Friday, May 14, 2010

Hidden Profits in Probate Investing

by: Duncan Wierman

When you think of profitable real estate investment have you ever thought of probate real estate? Many investors do not. Probate real estate is like a hidden market segment because it is not one of those segments on the forefront of the industry. It is often misunderstood and most people in real estate feel it is best left alone. The reality of probate real estate is that it is an amazing segment to get into. It offers some excellent profitability and it is really pretty easy to get started in. Probate real estate is a great market segment because of many reasons. Here are six reasons why you should consider getting into probate real estate and tapping into the hidden profits that await you. Reason #1: Sellers are ready to sell. No matter what other market segment you have been working in, you will not find sellers more ready to go than in probate. These sellers are people who have been given property and often it is property that they do not want. With probate real estate, the heirs often want to sell and get the money instead of having to be responsible for the property. This means that you get sellers who are ready to get the property sold without a lot of hassle or wasted time. Reason #2: Almost unlimited opportunity. One thing in life is 100% certain and that is death. People will die and they will leave behind the property they own. This means every day there will be new opportunities coming on the market for you to grab up. Reason #3: Hardly any competition. As mentioned, many people stay away from probate for one reason or another. What this means for the investor is that there is not much competition. You pretty much have an open market. You won't be racing to grab up real estate like you would with other market segments. Reason #4: Many possibilities to discover. There is something about probate real estate that makes it quite unique and even more interesting than any other real estate out there. Probate real estate is usually sold As Is. This often means the property includes items left behind. There is the potential to find all types of valuable things inside a property you have acquired through probate. The things you find could easily help you launch a second income source to add some additional money to business. Reason #5: Major growth potential. Probate is a market segment that has great potential for huge growth. The number of senior citizens in this country is growing and that means at some point the market will just be flooded with new probate real estate. It is predicted by insiders that the market will start growing and continue to expand through the next 20 years. Reason #6: It's easy to get started. Finding probate real estate is simple. You do not need any tricks and you certainly do not need complex systems. It is as simple as going to the source. You can either follow local obituaries and do research through public records of real estate left behind by deceased individuals or you can make it even easier and just market to local probate attorneys. The best thing is you never have to change your approach with probate. You can do the same thing over and over and keep reaping the rewards. These 6 reasons for getting into probate real estate really make this market segment stand out. Too often people dismiss probate because it is a legal process and they think they will have to get tied up in all that legal stuff. The truth is that it is not like that at all. When you start investing in probate you will find that you will work mainly with the heirs. You will not often need to get the court involved. Most probate real estate can easily exchange hands without court interference as long as all heirs agree and the court does not have any liens or other issues with the sale of the property. Probate real estate is something worth considering. If you really want your business to take off and to star investing in good properties at great prices then this is the perfect choice. All it takes is making that choice to get into probate and you are on your way to discovering all that it has to offer you.

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